New Posting Information - PLEASE READ

Into Role-Playing? Well so are we. However, if you want to RP with us, we need to know you know how. So feel free to stop by and request a test. One of the admins will be by shortly to assist you.

New Posting Information - PLEASE READ

Postby Lady Exie » Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:22 pm

Attention new users. Due to a high amount of spambots lately, we're enforcing a new rule. Anyone who wishes to post and be a part of our forum must PM the Admins upon registering. Failure to do so will lead to account deletion. For those of you already registered, you're fine and can disregard this message.

Myself, Geno XIII, Clickme, Katt, panahinuva, and robiotic can be contacted for account activation. I recommend sending a PM to all of us.
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Lady Exie
Site Admin
Posts: 8099
Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:20 am
Location: Among the beautiful darkness, where I belong.

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