North City Heroes: Nanotech Heist

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North City Heroes: Nanotech Heist

Postby AvalonsFourth » Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:26 pm

A soft rain pours over the city, the patter of droplets on the diner window muffling the sound of the city outside. It's a low quality place, you're not quite certain that the posted cleanliness grade is right. But its cheap, the owners know to keep quiet, and its open this late in the night.

In the opposite booth, a quite portly woman just finished tearing into the burger she got and was licking off her fingers. “We have some trouble,” the out-of-uniform officer says, finally getting to the reason she called you here. “Four days ago, there was a robbery of a shipment on I-73. Believe you've heard of them, Alabaster Tech? Yeah, that Alabaster Tech, the largest nanotech corp on the planet.”

“Yeah, its inevitable in this city. But this one was special,” she said pulling out a flask of something, probably alcoholic and taking a drink. “See, this one was a prototype of something they were working on. An advancement of those beauty solutions they got.”

There's a sound, that might, and probably are, gunshots, that manages to pierce the quiet of the diner. No one inside takes more than a few seconds glance to make sure it wasn't happening on this street.

“Everyone knows the profit margins they get on those things, we almost tossed it on lower priority. Then they started talking about it,” she said, shaking her head. “High level of ability, able to transform someone completely. You can use it to look like anyone, alter fingerprints, your voice, apparently even your sex. Only thing that can catch a person is their genetic code.”

“But that's not the worst of it,” she says, taking another drink. “It's unstable. Revisiting the machine can have you keep the results you want, but if you don't, you keep transforming. At least that's what they say. I got a feeling, might have been deliberate feature, revert the people to their original appearance if you don't keep up. But that seems to be the unfinished part. See, whoever has it now...they're doing some back alley injections. And it...”

A car shoots on by, a large wave of water kicked up and showering the windows. It takes a sharp turn to the left at the end of the street, barely slowing down. The sound of the possible gunfire dies soon after.

She was quiet for a bit. “Got a gal we picked up, apparently wanted to get some 'wolfgirl' traits, apparently wanting just ears and tail. Bit of a touch-up with the breasts and ass. When we found her, her ass was the size of couch cushions and she looked like a werewolf under the full moon. By the time we got her to Alabaster, she'd lost all the wolf traits and had turned into a centaur. Might have gone into something else. We've found others. We have no idea how many there are.”

“We might be able to find it. But...” she said with a sigh. “Even I can admit the North City PD can be pretty slow. We want as many eyes we can trust on this as possible. Planning on paying a premium. You in?”

(original idea proposed here was between heros and noir)
(combined them for costumed private investigators)

[Brief backstory]
[changes/kinks you would really want to play out]
[above but things you're neutral/OK with that you can think of]
[absolute no-no's]
(mostly borrowed from here)
chatting and ooc will be lazy
ideas and ic will do correct grammar and shit
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Re: North City Heroes: Nanotech Heist

Postby AvalonsFourth » Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:10 pm

waited to see what others made
waited long enough

Digital Shadow
Delilah Silva
Delilah is a short woman just over four foot eleven inches tall and has long, wavy black hair. She has blue eyes that have a slight glow of technology that give away their cybernetic enhancements. She would be considered quite busty a couple decades ago with her DD-cup breasts, but modern cosmetic nanites have allowed them to surpass that. Her ass is similarly above average for that era, but several have more than surpassed that. She has an overall muscular figure.
She wears a heavy, dark brown trenchcoat that is lined with metal plating and made of water resistant ballistic fibers to prevent bullets from harming her. Beneath it she wears black clothing composed of similar ballistic fibers on the outside. The interior is lined with several pockets that have various electronic tools she can use to hack into many computers. Beneath a dark brown fedora, she wears an open-back combined VR and AR helmet, the front of which has several lights that can light up dark rooms or suddenly flash to disorient foes. Her weapon of choice in a fight are brass knuckles, though she does carry a .308 revolver in case circumstances take a particularly bad turn.
[Brief backstory]
Delilah grew up in the more violent areas of North City, learning how to brawl at a quite young age. She was fascinated in the police forces that came down to restore order when she was young, but run-ins with many corrupt cops when she was a teenager shifted her interest away from joining with them. She landed a strange job with a private investigation practice, though that would eventually lead to her losing her eyesight when a gang attacked the office. Becoming a test subject for an experimental treatment offered by Alabaster Tech, she had her eyesight restored and now possessed the ability to see into technology that greatly improved her ability to manipulate it. In her mid-twenties, she met with others that had unusual talents and they formed their own private investigation firm (i am not naming the firm).
[changes/kinks you would really want to play out]
some muscle growth
breast expansion
ass expansion
monstergirl transformation
[above but things you're neutral/OK with that you can think of]
acquatic monstergirl transformation
female to intersex
[absolute no-no's]
insectoid monstergirl transformation
object transformation
anthro transformation
feral transformation
breast reduction to below start
ass reduction to below start
female to male
chatting and ooc will be lazy
ideas and ic will do correct grammar and shit
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Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:40 am

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