Espada's Test

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Espada's Test

Postby Espada » Sun Mar 18, 2018 2:30 pm

Here goes nothing. I'm a casual sort of person, and I'm into muscle growth (usually female, but I don't mind mixed), GTS, and breast expansion, bonus points if all three are involved. I don't really have a size limit, but I prefer detailed growth scenes. I also like story RPs.

Here's some excerpts from stories:

"'D-don't stop!' cried May. 'I can f-feel s-something big!' As if to prove her correct, her entire body flexed, almost doubling in size as she came yet again. Brendan eagerly slurped everything up, shoving his sinewy tongue (Arceus, even his tongue got big and buff!) into her pussy. Her moans grew into yells as the warm feeling began growing hotter and her muscles flexed and bulged even bigger. He gripped her legs, feeling them slowly lengthen as the titaness's height began to change as well!
As she came once again, the heat began to turn into a raging inferno. Brendan found that he was having trouble holding onto the thickening pillars of power that May called her legs, so he settled for grabbing her Electrode-sized ass cheeks, feeling them flex and bulge even bigger. Her breasts had grown to the point that his mighty cock was hidden within them, and he could feel her abs bulge and ripple against his torso. Taking a brief moment to catch his breath, he glanced around her ass to see her mighty back, easily wider than a Snorlax's stomach. With each breath she took, it bulged even thicker, her lats wider than her chest and her traps rising above her head with her deltoids."

"The feeling within began to become warmer, as another wave shook the demon scientist. Her aura flared again, as the growth began to speed up. She wasn't even flexing, and already her arms were as big as her head, straining her suit to its limit. Thick veins pulsed through the rubber, feeding her growing muscles. Feeling as though the growth wasn't happening quick enough, she recalled a technique she had seen being used by the Saiyans and Cell. Concentrating, she allowed her ki to flow into her muscles, amplifying the effects of the potion.
She moaned loudly as another wave rocked her, the speed of the growth picking up. Her suit was finally losing its battle against her muscles, rips and tears exposing her blue skin as her muscles contracted and bulged, her body slowly growing taller to accomodate her increasing mass. Her hips widened, her torso containing so much muscle that it stopped having a V shape and began taking on a distorted Y shape. Countless muscles lined the sides of her stomach, as her abdominals bulged, twelve blocks of steel the size of her growing fists. Her ass grew and grew, ensuring that her feminine assets weren't completely overlooked, the twin globes of muscle easily two feet across each."

"Her swimsuit began to feel tighter, as she felt her whole body began to grow. She looked down, only to have her gaze interrupted by her expanding breasts. She widened her eyes in surprise, watching as they blossomed from a small A-cup until they were almost the size of her head, held up by a pair of pectoral muscles that were the size of dictionaries, preventing them from sagging. She glanced at her right arm, and saw that her forearm was inflating itself with pure muscle, a small vein running along it and into her orange-sized bicep. She looked at her other arm, and saw that it was almost identical, save for a few more veins. Her mighty pythons were being held by her even mightier shoulders, which were almost as big as her breasts, yet filled with pure power and strength.
May felt her torso lengthen and her legs become longer and stronger, until they hit the very bottom of the spring. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. The spring was almost six feet deep! Her legs grew some more, pushing her up to six and a half feet tall. Her thunder thighs packed on muscle until they were as thick as trees, with her calves the size of large hams and teardrop shaped."
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