Requesting for Testing - Edited

Into Role-Playing? Well so are we. However, if you want to RP with us, we need to know you know how. So feel free to stop by and request a test. One of the admins will be by shortly to assist you.

Requesting for Testing - Edited

Postby DeviousWaning » Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:04 pm


Feel free to call me Devious, Devious Waning, or even just Waning. I'm new to the forums and would like to go ahead and get tested, if that's alright. I'll try to keep my preferences short and sweet~!


Time period and setting preferences: Modern, Fantasy, Steampunk, Classic Sci-Fi, Old West, Middle Ages, War-Era Conflict

Transformation preferences: Human to Anthropomorphic, were-creatures (preferably nonstandard - not that werewolves aren't nice), demonic and fae beings, mythological animals, vampires, body alteration, multiple genitalia and hermaphroditic transformations.

Preferred transformation varieties: Willing and unwilling are both alright, preferably painless, fine with both sexual and non-sexual.


Sex: R or X rating, male/female or male/male preferred, threesomes alright

Absolutely not sexy for Devious: Feet, armpits, fecal matter.

EDIT 12/8: Some recent developments are taking up a lot of time, and I won't be active for some time. At least not in the near future. My apologies!
Last edited by DeviousWaning on Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Requesting for Testing

Postby Geno XIII » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:39 pm

OK, how's this one sound?

You are a male Japanese high school student in a small town (or a citizen of a feudal Japanese village, I couldn't decide; whichever sounds better) that goes venturing into a nearby forest at dusk, only to be suddenly bitten or scratched by a swift unknown creature that disappears into the underbrush soon after. The wound is kind of painful, but in no way fatal, but as the full moon rises, it begins to burn/feel strange as you suddenly make it to a clearing and start transforming into a female lycanthrope version of a multi-tailed fox yokai from bathing in the bright moonlight.

Your task is to write the situation while describing the process(es), a little bit of the buildup and your reaction to them in a couple paragraphs as a short-story. There's no time limit, so feel free to be creative; but if this situation isn't to your liking, please say so, so that I can make another one.
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