Should have studied

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Should have studied

Postby Kyoko » Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:56 am

OK, let's do this. I'm pretty adventurous myself - generally so long as it doesn't involve bodily waste, I'm down - though I do have a few preferences - mythical creatures, just-beyond-realistic bodies, and mental changes to go with the physical.

Director, who I know, got away with posting some forum RPs - all I have are some chat logs, but they're here if you want to see them; - Rin Toshaka and the Sl*t Machine

Bimbofication, BE, yuki-onna transformation, highly sexual. This was fun - I had to bluff a lot because I didn't know the lore at all. - Legend of Zelda: The Spell of Kyoko

Adventurous, somewhat sexual, humor if you're familiar with the Zelda series. Not too much humor, mind - I'm not InLeaves, I don't make things too meta to be sexy. I hope. - Glamour Casino: Midnight Channel After Dark

Fun times. The lore characters in here were high schoolers just on the legal side of eighteen, so to keep things from getting too creepy, I made sure that they were only doing sexytimes with each other. Very empowering transformations, if you're into that.
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Re: Should have studied

Postby Geno XIII » Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:00 am

Approved, showing a resume of one's past rp's is usually a sure fire ting XD
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