TP test

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TP test

Postby zullumaster » Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:19 pm

I like TG mainly, preferably ones that go all out, like someone's clothing turns ultra feminine though things like latex or something of that manner. Some mental changes I enjoy too. BE or bimbo, increased beauty are fine too. I love mythical beings.
As far as time frames, I can go anywhere from medieval/fantasy to sci fi.
Middle of the road is furry, anthro, I can do them if I get a sense there's more animal instinct that just a person with a tale and ears. Also age changes and size.
I don't like weight gain or things that move too far away from human shape.
I find I work best given enough specifics for transformation, at least a general idea.
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Re: TP test

Postby Geno XIII » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:40 pm

You are a part time assistant at a cosmetics lab in modern times. After another boring late night of cleaning, you accidentally knock over a vial of experimental cream that splatters onto your arm and absorbs into your skin, slowly turning you into a sex starved bimbo with giant tits, ass and naturally forming makeup. Even your clothes turn into skin exposing pink clothing that shows as much skin as legally possible.

Your task is to write the situation while describing the process(es), a little bit of the buildup and your reaction to them in a couple paragraphs as a short-story. There's no time limit, so feel free to be creative; but if this situation isn't to your liking, please say so, so that I can make another one.
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Re: TP test

Postby robiotic » Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:19 am

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Re: TP test

Postby zullumaster » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:24 pm

Brandon pushed his broom through the main lab. Utonion Labs may be one of the hottest Tech companies around, yet Brandon still was pretty sure sweeping wasn’t what he signed up for. Oh well he was the low man on the totem pole, and an intern to boot.
“Careful Brandon,” Dr. Adam’s voice broke him out of autopilot. “Don’t bump into anything. Chemicals can’t always mix.”
“Of course Dr. Adams. What are you working on here?”
“Why we’re trying to make the perfect woman. Or at the very least appear to be the perfect woman.” Dr. Adams was inspecting a bottle and jotting things down in his notepad. “Of course this super cosmetic is highly experimental. But we pull off one where you only need to apply this, we’ll make millions.”
Brandon continued cleaning, unpacking boxes of chemicals. “Doctor, I have the shipment of components you need. Sugurnium Spicee 43 and Nicex.” Curiously, there was another bottle he grabbed as well. Dr. Adams carefully mixed the ingredients into the vat. “Hmm Chemical XXX? Seems we’ll need this to act as a catalyst”
A few hours later Brandon was scooping some of the concoction into a vial when some fell on his arm.
“What the?”
Brandon took a rag and tried to clean it off, yet it seemed in only rubbed it in more. Indeed on his arm was a big spot with very smooth hairless skin. Brandon furiously rubs at the spot more, but to his dismay his entire arm was becoming smooth and hairless. He watched as it reached his hands, they seemed to grow slender and tipped by inch long nails.
“Oh sooo pretty… Wait why would I think that?”
Brandon knew he should be horrified but there was something else he couldn’t describe a sort of hunger that was growing even as his shoulders were narrowing. Brandon took his hands to his chest where his shirt seems to have dissolved and his chest seemed to be swelling. He cooed running his long sexy nails over his budding breasts. Another hand sunk down to his crotch plunging a finger into a newly formed slit.
Brandon moaned while she fingered herself. Brandon was such a boy’s name. She looked down at her breasts as they continued growing, already massive enough to not see her feet. She cupped her sensitive fingers and let shuddered in glee.
“I wonder what happened to Brandon, he’s been gone a while now…” Dr. Adams muttered a few minutes later as he re-entered the lab. He gasped when he discovered the sexy blonde woman clad in a pink bikini that was straining against her massive breasts and equally enormous rear. Upon seeing Adams a predatory smile appeared on her heavily made up face.
“Oh Dr. Adams, you’ve been working soooo hard. Let Brandi help you relax.”
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Re: TP test

Postby Lunakitty » Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:12 am

I'm so sorry for how long it's taken me to respond. I blame two jobs lol.

So, I have a bit of constructive criticism to offer. You have a decent base to work from, but we're looking for something a bit more fleshed out. Don't be afraid to paint a picture for us. You have some solid dialog, but the actions and in particular the process, seem a bit glossed over. If you're willing to give it another shot I'd love to see what you can do to really bring that image to life. The goal being to have your readers be able to picture what you're picturing as you write.

For example: what is Brandon feeling as the changes take place? Fear, curiosity, mixed emotions? What does this change feel like? Is it a cool tingle, a spreading warmth, a pleasurable jolt? As the breasts grow are they getting heavy? is the sensation building? how would you describe the size? melons ripening into watermelons? soccer balls being inflated until they look more like basketballs, and still growing? It's ok to be silly too. The most important thing is to have fun with it. So have some fun and see what kind of picture you can create ^_^
"Yeah, I'm a total Witch."
"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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Re: TP test

Postby zullumaster » Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:39 pm

I think I want to try again. Should I try the same scenario or do something different?
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Re: TP test

Postby Lunakitty » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:27 pm

Wow, I can't believe no one got back to this. Sorry, I've been away recently. You can give this one another go, or request a new one.
"Yeah, I'm a total Witch."
"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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