by Geno XIII » Fri May 23, 2014 10:11 pm
Hmmm... haven't done one of these in a long time, but here it goes:
You are a male Pokemon researcher at a secret laboratory, possibly working for one of the evil teams of any region. You are currently working on a splicing machine made from the stolen plans of Bill when he made a teleportation device that accidentally turned him into a Clefairy. You soon find yourself tripping into one of the pods and zapped to the other pod in the room before stumbling out. You then feel yourself going through your own transformation into a female pokemon girl (anthro or something like a human with animal tails and ears, your call) with ridiculously large curves and breasts. Though which pokemon you turn into is your choice, potentially can be a mutation of more than one together.
Your task is to write the situation while describing the process(es), a little bit of the buildup and your reaction to them in a couple paragraphs as a short-story. There's no time limit, so feel free to be creative; but if this situation isn't to your liking, please say so, so that I can make another one.
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