Test Request

Into Role-Playing? Well so are we. However, if you want to RP with us, we need to know you know how. So feel free to stop by and request a test. One of the admins will be by shortly to assist you.

Test Request

Postby Mr.H » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:18 pm

Likes: Most settings (Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi) Anthro TF, any pairing (MF FF MM), corruption, mind control, possession, AR, demonic tf, monstergirls/boys and TFs into them.
Medium: Robot TF, shrinking, urine, pregnancy, tentacles, herms, breast expansion.
Dislikes: Full Animal TF, AP, weight gain, muscle growth, feet, vore, excessive growth.
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Re: Test Request

Postby Geno XIII » Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:51 am

Sorry about the delay, I got a bit of writer's block:

You are a Greek scholar (male or female) in the time of the gods and legends of old. You wake up to find yourself on an altar with many robed figures surrounding you, chanting and praising the name of the mother to all monsters, Echidna. You soon find yourself transforming into a half human, half monster (anthro or just human with ears, tail, horns etc) incarnation of the legendary Chimera. (or possibly another one of Echidna's children)

Your task is to write the situation while describing the process(es), a little bit of the buildup and your reaction to them in a couple paragraphs as a short-story. There's no time limit, so feel free to be creative; but if this situation isn't to your liking, please say so, so that I can make another one.
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Re: Test Request

Postby Mr.H » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:47 am

(Heh, thats find, it happens)


Selene blinked slowly as thoughts began to return to her from what seemed like an uncomfortably deep sleep. It was taking some time for senses to return to her, too long again for it to be normal. She stared up at a now increasingly unfamiliar ceiling. It was becoming clearer something wasn’t right. These weren’t her bed chambers, and she wasn’t in her bed.

A groan escaped her as she tried to turn over on a stone slab she realized that she was laying on. As more of her consciousness returned so did aches and further painful realizations. Her dark and short hair was a mess, splayed out about her sides. Cold shivers ran along her nude and fair form, the only thing protecting her shame being a rough spun cloth tossed over her.

That sent a flush of embarrassment through her, she tried desperately to move but some invisible force stopped her. She struggled in vain to even so much as move her arms or legs, but it was as if something was pushing down on her, like her body had become infinitely heavier than it was before. Leaving her muscles only weaker the more she attempted to push back.

Another groan, this time of fear left her lips as chants and other unfamiliar voices began to fill her ears. Unable to move her head much on either side she could just see the heads of red robed figures now surrounding her in the dimly lit chamber. She tried to scream, but again found herself too weak to do so.
“Let me go” She tried to said with force, but it came out a desperate and pitiful croak. The figures did not respond, and continued their chanting. “Uhhh” Another bout of flailing was in vain, she was only growing weaker.

Selene mind raced, where these come kind of cult? What on earth where they possibly planning to do with her? Was she a sacrifice some monster they worshipped? Well she was still alive, but for how long? What could they possibly want with her anyway? Fair maidens where the ones that were used as offerings to the gods, not a book keep like her.

“What do you want with me?” The figures did not respond again, but their chanting was growing louder. Even if they were listening it was doubtful they could even hear her now. They praised Echidna, and had Selene been able to recoil in fear she would have. A cult that worshipped the mother of monsters? A scream tried to leave her mouth and she gagged.

The chanting grew louder in respond to her feeble protests. There was a fowl rush of warmth and energy all about her. Selene could feel herself being filled with something she could sense coursing through all her body. It made her body flash hot in spite of her lack of clothing. It was pouring into her from every direction.
“Uhhhh” Her eyes rolled up as she quivered as dampness began to form between her thighs. What in hades kind of ritual was this?

“…new Child of Echidna…”

No she was Selene. She bit her lower lip, but her mind was beginning to crumble against the assault on all fronts, mind and body. Her body burned, shots of pain hit her here and there. The ends of her hands and feet where stabbed from the inside out. Her spine arched up as its end escaped above her rump. Her head pounded as flesh above her forehead broke and twin streams of blood trailed down her face.

“…new Child of Echidna…”

“Noooo” She moaned, tossing her head side to side, but the pain continued. She was forced to stop biting her own lip as she’d drawn blood. It was getting impossible to think straight, thoughts that did not seem her own mingled with hers, springing up between her internal screams. Some sounded in a low growl, others her own voice.
“…new Child of Echidna…”
“I am Selene” She managed to shout at last. As she was transforming she’d failed to notice her strength was building back. Her skin itched with pin pricks all along her legs and forearms. She could feel a new tail flailing in sync with the rest of her. Her ears where grabbed hard by nothing and stretched outwards.

“…new Child of Echidna…”

“…Selene…is…” She groaned, the pain was fading…replaced with some wonderful new found strength.

She made a pleased sound, somewhere between a moan of pleasure and the purring of some beast. She bent her back up and slumped back down, stopping her movements. Only her chest rose and fell.


Slowly she rose up, tossing the cloth to one side, ignoring the small puddle that had formed under her, or the blood trickle on her face. Selene looked down and admired her new form. She’d once just been a meek and fragile woman, now she felt like so much more.

Selene paid little attention to the on looking figures as she ran her clawed digits through her hair. She flex her tail experimentally, it was thick, muscular and ended in a long curled sting. Dark fur like her original hair now coated her forearms and legs, which now too ended in cloven hooves. Selene purred softly to herself, cupping her exposed breast with one claw and wiping the blood from her curled horns with the other. It tasted good as she licked it off.

The figures were hesitant but finally moved from their encircling positions. A sacrifice had been prepared for the new Child of Echidna, a young man bound as she had been before. She licked her lips, it looked delicious.
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Re: Test Request

Postby Geno XIII » Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:29 am

Veeery nice, approved! :D
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