test request

Into Role-Playing? Well so are we. However, if you want to RP with us, we need to know you know how. So feel free to stop by and request a test. One of the admins will be by shortly to assist you.

test request

Postby AvalonsFourth » Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:10 pm

seeking test

tend to prefer a modern time period
do like to pair it with either hidden tech of the eureka or stargate
or the mystical of the warehouse 13 or control
or both like ace attorney and earlier yugioh
near future noir like the original blade runner holds a special place in my heart

expansion to max of sepiascribe sizes
monstergirl tf
occasional mtf tg and rarely mti or fti
ap to milf status
bimbo bodies but keep intelligence
clothing or character tf with no mind alter
willing to experiment with untried at least once

-x rated?
chill with it
chatting and ooc will be lazy
ideas and ic will do correct grammar and shit
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