Test Me

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Test Me

Postby tomsketchit » Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:31 pm

I prefer modern times, but I can also roll with sci-fi and medieval fantasy settings as well. I greatly enjoy Pokemon and MLP as settings, and I also enjoy Digimon, Zelda, Mario, Sonic, Undertale, and a few other canon settings, though I have less experience working with those.

For transformations, I enjoy breast and ass expansions, giantess growth, age progression, female muscle growth, anthro transformation (one more niche interest is feral animal to anthro transformation), male genitalia growth, gender change (male to female mostly, but also both male and female to herm and very occasionally female to male), feminine males, masculine females, MILFs, princesses, sometimes bimbos... I think that covers basically all the bases.

So yeah. Hope that's enough information for you all. Hit me with that test prompt. I love a challenge!
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Re: Test Me

Postby Geno XIII » Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:45 pm

I feel like adding some options to this one to make it funner so here it goes:

You play as your favorite character from the Pokemon game or anime having to do with the X/Y or simply visiting that region from somewhere else. In that girl - or guy's - travels, they stumble across what looks like an ordinary stick in the middle of the road while in Lumiose City. But picking it up reveals it to be the cursed wand of a Delphox that rapidly starts turning the holder into a half human anthro one... But thanks to the amplifying power of the Mega Stones on their person that they had prior, the transformation refuses to stop and quickly turns the victim into a hyper-featured herm growing more in heat and size by the second until the mighty tower in the center of town is starting to look like it's the only thing big enough to sate the hunger of pleasure.

Things like BE, ass, hourglass, muscle, futa etc are optional.
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Re: Test Me

Postby tomsketchit » Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:59 pm

The afternoon sun hung in the sky above Lumiose City, shining brightly down upon the cheerful shoppers going about their business. Taxis passed down the roads, people chatted outside of cafes, and Pokemon, both wild and tamed, flitted about in search of food or entertainment. The big city was a hot spot for both Kalos locals and tourists alike, and it was rare to see an unhappy face in such a beautiful city.

"Stupid Lumiose," grumbled one frustrated tourist as he trudged down the street. "Stupid fashion..." People passing him on the street gave the dark-skinned youth odd looks as he muttered angrily to himself, very obviously displeased. If he noticed them, though, then Kiawe gave no indication, so focused he was on his bad mood.

You see, Kiawe had come to Kalos on a trip with his friends from Alola, Mallow, Lana, and Olivia. And what did his fellow Akala Island residents make him do as soon as he arrived? They tell him to cover up his traditional tattoos by putting on a fancy shirt, telling him that he should try out fashion to fit in better in Lumiose! 'The nerve of them,' he thought to himself. 'There's no reason to be ashamed of my tattoos...'

He swung his foot absent-mindedly to kick at something, only to stub his toe through his sandals against something hard that had been lying in the street. He cried out, more in shock than pain, before stomping over to grab up whatever he had just kicked. In his hands was a strange wooden stick, and quickly his anger turned to confusion. "What? What is something like this doing in the middle of the-"

His thought was cut off by a sudden cramping feeling in his stomach. Thinking that he may be about to get sick from something he'd eaten, he rushed down a nearby alleyway to avoid being seen, bracing himself against a wall as his body began to burn up, stick still clutched tightly in his hand. What was this? It felt like there was a fire building up inside of him, spreading from his stomach and through his entire body. It almost reminded him of using his Z-Crystal...

He couldn't focus further on this as his body was wracked further by the bizarre sensation. It was strange, but not necessarily painful. In fact, as it went on, he found that it almost felt... pleasant. Sweating and panting, he looked down, only to see the t-shirt he'd been forced to wear was stretching out farther than he'd remembered, clinging to his skin from all the sweat. His mind raced, first thinking that his pecs looked swollen... only to realize that they looked a bit too round. In fact, they almost looked like-

That thought was cut off as they surged larger right before his eyes, his formerly manly chest having become a pair of palmable C-cup breasts, nipples pressing erect against the soaked fabric. He could feel the heat burning through him, this change ravaging his body. He could tell now that it wasn't just his chest that had changed. His hips bucked, shorts feeling tighter as not only did his member react to the erotic sensations running through him but his behind began to match his top, his ass, thighs, and hips swelling into much more feminine curves. A hand went to his stomach, finding it thinning into a curvier waist, though it didn't necessarily lose its muscle.

Kiawe blinked, disoriented as he realized that he was taller now as well. He couldn't see himself, and his mind was too fuzzy from the intense experience for him to fully comprehend what was going on, but he had actually grown older. He also was unable to see the fact that his face now had a much more feminine appearance, with softer lips and daintier features.

But his changes didn't end there. The new, womanly fire trainer found a new wave of heat rushing through him as his hands seemed to develop a mind of their own, rubbing and groping at his chest, crotch, and ass in search of pleasure and relief. He lost himself to these new feelings of bliss as his clothing grew tight on his body, unaware of his continued growth. Nor was he aware of the fact that fur had started to sprout on his hands...

After a moment, he glanced down to see two dainty, black fur covered hands squeezing a pair of double D breasts, yellow fur forming on her cleavage as she began to tear her shirt off with her new claws. Kiawe blinked as she realized she was thinking of herself as a girl now... it was fitting though, seeing the way she looked and the fact that she could feel that a pussy had developed behind her nearly foot long cock. She didn't care though. This pleasure was simply mind numbing, and she just wanted to give into it without a second thought, not caring that she was stripping down or that fur was rapidly spreading over her body. Her joints cracked as her anatomy changed slightly, her legs taking on a more digitrade look as her feet stretched and morphed into black fur covered paws.

She cooed and moaned in her new womanly voice, then let out a yip as her face began to stretch into a vulpine muzzle. An immense amount of fur was growing on her now, hanging like a robe around her as she kept groping her tits and jerking herself off, almost completely looking like a sexed up version of a Delphox now. She stood at about seven feet tall, with breasts the size of her head and a canine cock that was over a foot long. Her hips and ass matched her tits to give her an hourglass figure, and her cock came equipped with a hot pussy and a plump pair of balls ready to get to work.

Normally, this is where the cursed Delphox staff would stop. It would leave the transformed human to their fate, where they would eventually either revert back into a human or transform fully into a Delphox female. However, this time was different. Kiawe's Firium Z, as well as a Key Stone he'd been given as a welcome gift from the Kalos region professor, somehow began to cause a sort of chain reaction with the staff, amplifying its effects... Kiawe felt another rush of heat through her body, and this time she gleefully welcomed it.

Her body surged larger as she began humping the alley wall, not caring about anything anymore. She was lost to this new lust, and she loved it. So many wonderful sensations, so much heat and fire within her, such power at her control! She had never felt more one with her favorite element! Fire was passion after all, and she was sure as hell feeling hot and passionate right now as she mashed her growing form into the brick wall. Soon enough, she was standing as tall as the buildings on either side of her, causing her to giggle slightly. She turned to try and get out, no longer caring if anyone saw her, only to find her widening hips quickly becoming stuck. She huffed in frustration, tugging until she grew enough that the walls on either side of her began to give in, collapsing inwards as she pushed out of the alley at about fifteen feet tall.

"More," she growled out loud, openly masturbating in the middle of the city street in front of everyone. Her hand not enough for her, she quickly spotted a parked taxi, which she promptly reached for as its driver ran out. She reached over twenty feet as she forced her dick through the back of it, her skin so tough that the metal and glass didn't hurt at all as she began fucking the car.

"More~..." she growled louder as she plowed into the car harder, erupting her cum through it and into the street before outgrowing it, leaving it an utterly destroyed husk on the street. She rose up to thirty feet, looming over many buildings as she began absent-mindedly strolling down the street, not caring if any cars or other small, worthless objects got crushed beneath her feet. Her fat behind swung to and fro, threatening to bump into buildings several times, while her giant breasts bounced on her chest, each one now larger than the puny cars she strode over. She could feel the eyes of the public on her, possibly even those of her friends. She smiled, loving the attention, suddenly breaking into flirtatious and provocative poses. The sudden motion caused her ass to crash through a building, though she didn't seem to care at all.

And then, she spotted it. The tower in the center of town. It was bigger than her. Not by much, but enough to annoy her. Nothing should be bigger than her now. With a single step towards it, she shot up in height, reaching nearly fifty feet tall in an instant. Another, bigger step, and she was at almost seventy, her feet practically taking up the entire road. She didn't care about anything in her way, though. She wanted that tower.

And as she reached one hundred feet, she loomed over it triumphantly, rubbing her body against the phallic structure with a moan that could be heard for miles. And as her body rumbled and burned with desire, pussy pulsing for attention, she smiled and roared one single word just before going through yet another growth spurt.


- - -

And I'm gonna end it there. Wasn't planning on finishing this tonight, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Thought Kiawe would be a fun choice since he was already attuned to fire.

Also, I had a brief desire to add in Mallow and Lana coming in as Chesnaught and Greninja giantesses as well (maybe some rock type for Olivia, though I can't think of any Kalos rock types off the top of my head) at the end for an extra hit, but decided against it.

Hope you enjoyed.
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Re: Test Me

Postby Geno XIII » Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:23 am

Nicely done, approved.
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