Ready for Testing

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Ready for Testing

Postby Jarrguy » Mon Feb 25, 2019 4:04 pm

Hello everyone! Figured I ought to do some RPing while I'm here

My preferences are fats/WG, BE, fake breasts, shortstacks, bimbo, hyper-Americanism/American stereotpye TG (it's a... thing, okay), light slob, monstergirls, supernatural/gothic horror. Settings-wise I have a particular passion for ancient Egypt and enjoy Victorian and modern, though I do like some medieval fantasy every now and then.

Stuff I will not do... scat/watersports, blueberry, and non-anthro animal TF, pretty much
Last edited by Jarrguy on Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ready for Testing

Postby Lunakitty » Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:16 am

Thank you for your patience. I think I have a scenario for you that you may like. You can request a different scenario if not.

Below the seemingly ever present mistake of London, the son of Dr Jekyll...'s second cousin, is at work attempting to recreate the infamous cocktail. However, without much to go on in the way of notes, he's had to supplement with experimentation. The result is a rather odious potion that really should have been tested on animals first... but you're preeeeeeeeetty sure that itll work. Afterall, you used DNA from Jekylls closest living relative, a sister. Should stabilize things. Unbeknownst to you, the result will indeed transform unto a ravenous monster... a side effect of such a drastic transformation. Realllly should have used less of Lady Jekylls DNA... the unstable potion may also lead to any food used to fuel the transformation being permanently absorbed. But that shouldnt be sooooo much of a problem... if only miss Hyde could understand the situation she was in. Oh well, at least shes cute teehee~

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take this idea and write the scene of your experiment, transformation, and a possible post transformation reaction. Feel free to use as much or as little of the initial detail here as youd like, or to improve your own details. Have fun ^__^
"Yeah, I'm a total Witch."
"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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Re: Ready for Testing

Postby Jarrguy » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:44 pm

Marcus Jekyll’s greatest regret was that he’d never gotten to meet Uncle Henry; what fascinating conversations they could have had about science, or the bestial madness at the heart of humanity! Unfortunately, he’d had to make do with his sister, who didn’t seem at all appreciative of the incredible things that her brother had done for science. Truly, genius was never appreciated in its own time; at least she’d been willing to give up some of her DNA, if only because she wanted to get him out of her house.

But now, after many longs weeks of work, the formula was now complete! At least, Marcus hoped so, since Uncle Henry’s unworthy, cowardly family had destroyed most of the illustrious scientist’s records, so his self-proclaimed heir had been forced to wing it. But he was confident that the bubbling, foul-smelling concoction before him was the real deal, so confident that he intended to test it himself! It was family tradition, after all.

“To Uncle Henry!” he proclaimed, raising the beaker up as though he was giving a toast to the empty basement, his only audience bubbling flasks and miscellaneous glassware. “Bottoms up!”

By Saint George that was foul! The empty beaker crashed to the ground in an explosion of shards as Marcus leaned over the rink, coughing and retching. He was so focused on the awful taste that he didn’t even notice the changes that were overtaking his body, registering only a persistent itch that seemed secondary in importance to washing the disgusting residue out of his mouth.

Some of the alterations were subtle; slightly wider hips, narrower waist, slimmer cheekbones and longer eyelashes… but others were much more significant. His rear end bubbled and rounded out into a soft, fat ass easily twice the size it was before, his thighs thickened until they touched, his ashy blonde hair grew into long curves that tumbled down his back, but the most dramatic change came to his chest. Like a pale, jiggly, volcanic eruption, a pair of magnificent breasts burst forth from inside his white cotton shirt, flowing onto the countertop. The feeling of cold metal against new flesh finally caused Marcus to look down, and he let out a gasp of surprise – a gasp that sounded higher-pitched, more feminine than he remembered.

“Okay, keep it together,” he muttered to himself, but the strange, unfamiliar voice that spilled out of his fuller lips did little to comfort him. “Think. There must have been something that –ooh!” He stumbled, knocking one of his swinging breasts against a table and eliciting a sharp gasp. Maybe it was because this body was so new, but that momentary contact sent an electric shock through his body so powerful that he had to sit down and take a deep breath.

“Phew, alright… first thing’s first, gotta figure out how to reverse this…” He reached up instinctively to fix a shirt that was no longer there, only to grab a handful of boobflesh. He let his hand linger there for a moment, squeezing lightly. A slow smile spread across his face.

“But first, I think I’m going to have a little fun…”
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Re: Ready for Testing

Postby Lunakitty » Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:54 pm

Seems good to me ^__^ and the others agree. Welcome aboard.
"Yeah, I'm a total Witch."
"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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