Test request please Grandsin

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Test request please Grandsin

Postby grandsin » Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:13 am

I'm not sure if my skill with transformation based writing is good enough but ill take the bite and like to request a test if at all possible! I have no preferenced but I am not into fat, muscle growth really so would like to avoid that if at all possible. Beyond that, for the setting, I am ok with modern or fantasy. (sorry I forgot to add that I was in a rush due to irl problems)
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Re: Test request please Grandsin

Postby Geno XIII » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:31 pm

You are a female archaeologist looking over an fertility idol you jut got from a dig site and are appraising its worth in your hotel room. When suddenly, the idol activates and causes your body to swell in not only size (things like breast, ass, possibly height or increased beauty; your call) but also horniness as your body takes up more and more space in the hotel room until a desired ridiculous size.

Your task is to write the situation while describing the process(es), a little bit of the buildup and your reaction to them in a couple paragraphs as a short-story. There's no time limit, so feel free to be creative; but if this situation isn't to your liking, please say so, so that I can make another one.
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Re: Test request please Grandsin

Postby grandsin » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:35 pm

Clair smiled happily to herself as she was in the recently discovered ruins she honestly loved her work. The idol in her hands only seemingly proved the fact the idol looked similar to a fertility idol of sorts. Though being found in a temple seemingly dedicated to Ereshkigal a goddess of the dead of sorts. Though there were theories that due to her connection to the earth that she was like Persephone of Greek myth as well. Though she supposed theorizing could wait as she could spot the sun starting to set. Deciding to turn in for the night she set the idol down on her desk though it soon toppled over and landed gently in her bag.

Clair sighed as she stepped out of the shower and headed towards her bag on the bed in the hotel. She opened up her bag trying to rummage for her lotion only to lay her hands on the idol. Taking it out of the bag she looked out at it in curiosity. “You aren’t supposed to be here but I suppose since you are I can take a closer look at you.” She muttered aloud as she started to look around it appearance was like a standard fertility idol outrageous proportions on a decidedly female figure. It was made of a rough clay-like substance it felt smooth to the touch and though some parts were eroded over time. Some parts of an inscription were on the back of the idol but due to being so old she was unable to make it out. Looking at the idol Clair wondered just why the figure carried she couldn't help but imagine herself with the same figure as the idol.

Letting out a giggle at the thought she placed the idol on the bed as she went to the mirror. Looking at her reflection she would suppose she was fairly pretty her face wasn’t gorgeous or outstanding really but rather plain like a girl next door type as her friends once told her. Her hair was a standard shade of brown as well nothing about it outstanding really. If this was a game she used to play she would probably be a npc due to looks alone. Her body wasn’t really anything spectacular either with soft curves that weren't flat nor outrageously stacked. She had small b cup breasts that suited her just fine. Her ass wasn’t huge or pert but rather dull. Even her overall figure was plain lacking a true hourglass figure. Shaking her head to get those thoughts out of her head she decided to get into her pajamas slipping on her plain white bra and panties with a standard pair of loose pajama bottoms and an overly large shirt.

“What secrets do you hold?” she asked as walked towards the bed her eyes focused on the idol once more. As she sat down once she continued to examine the idol tracing her finger along the small engravings at the base. “What exactly would something that is obviously a fertility idol be doing in a temple dedicated to death?” She questioned as she continued run her finger gently down the the figure. Figuring it was time to turn in for the night she placed the idol carefully in her bag vowing to put it in a better spot than the desk the next day as she turned in for the night. Though as soon as her head hit the pillow and sleep overtook her the idol started to glow briefly before dimming. As this happened small changes started to happen to Clair as she tossed and turned in her sleep. As she did show her one dull brown hair started to change turning into a brilliant blonde gaining a sheen to it as she continued to sleep unaware of what was happening to her body.

This wasn't the only change though as she was sleeping her body began to change more and more as her breasts slowly started to expand as well it started off slow as it inched ever bigger first causing her bra straps to feel tight as they dug in to her shoulders and breasts started to overtake the cups of her bra. As they continued to grow bigger and bigger her bra started to strain to hold back the mass of her breasts. Though as it grew bigger it started to give up the hooks of her bra starting to give way stretching out due to the mass of her breasts. Slowly but surely the hooks gave way allowing her breasts to surge forth as her nipples stiffened a bit from the cold air they also expanded slightly growing rigid as they stood at attention inching more and more creating tiny tents in the shirt her areola seemingly puffed up and grew larger taking up more and more room on her breasts which continued their ever forward expansion though with the loss of the bra the pace seemingly picked up growing quickly from c cups to large e cups and ever forward. Though as she tossed and turned her shirt started to slide up revealing more and more breast flesh before revealing her now large chest to the outside world. Her breasts continued to expand growing larger and larger taking up more room on her torso as they inched forward starting to look more like large melons than a pair of breasts. Soon a small white droplet formed on the tip of her large nipple before dropping onto the bed as they started to lactate.

A sudden chill ran down Clair's back as she started to curl up in a ball her loose pajama bottoms sliding off her non-existent butt in the process revealing her white panties as well. As this happened her hips creaked as they slowly grew wider stretching her panties all the while. Her butt also grew growing as seemingly it expanded as more and more room was granted for it to grow by her expanding hips. Her butt continued to expand as she curled up on her side as it expanded more and more. as her panties strained to contain her new growing mass her butt cheeks started to swallow her now stretched panties making it look more and more like a thong as it was swallowed by the large mass of her growing ass. It continued to expand along with her widening hips till her panties snapped off due to the being unable to keep up with the extreme level of growth her body was undergoing.
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