by Noname » Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:48 am
Julia locked the door to her small solo dorm room and fell backwards onto the couch with the large white bottle in her hands. Her feet dangled just slightly off the floor as she studied her mail and pondered not for the first time why she had ordered so many.
When she had placed the order last week, she had been in something of a foul mood concerning her own slight stature, a few inches south of average in every department that mattered as far as she was concerned, and had purchased god knows how many times the recommended dose of the supplement before her. It sounded like the sort of rubbish most 'herbal supplements' sounded like - synthesised from a totally real rare plant in the Amazon with totally real effects that the enlightened locals had been using for centuries - but the biology student down the hall had been raving about the scientific possibilities of the stuff and had been throwing around journal quotes and talking about how it could revolutionise half a dozen industries and, well, that sort of excitement can be infectious. Still, in the 7 days until delivery, her head had cooled and she now found herself faced with the problem of what to do with the extra doses. Maybe she could share some with the biologist down the hall in thanks?
It was a question for later. For now, she had two pills in her palm and a great big jar of wasted money on the coffee table in front of her.
The pills went down easily without water, and Julia flipped on the tv waiting for them to kick in, dropping the remote on the ground as a chill ran up her spine. Dear God, she felt good.
She took a deep, shuddering breath and squeezed her thighs together as she felt her feet touch the floor. Her camo-patterned sweats grew tight as her legs thickened with muscle and her shirt followed suit, a midriff of toned abdominals soon becoming visible as she inched taller and her breasts throbbed outwards. She shuddered again in pleasure as she looked down upon herself, what she was becoming. Her breasts continued to swell, obscuring her newly muscular and still lengthening legs, so she pulled them out of the way with her newly toned arms, and continued to watch until her awe was subsumed by her growing lust. Images swam through her head, first of crushes, then naked crushes, then flashes of most of the people in her dorm as her strengthening left arm squeezed her expanding bosom and her right snaked between her legs. She barely had to touch herself before she exploded.
She didn't stop feeling herself up as she leaned back to catch her breath. She was definitely still growing, the feel of her legs bending more and more and the intoxicating sensation of increasing power told her that. She felt her backside encroach on the cushions either side of her and her back had cleared the top of the couch long ago.
She was definitely still horny, too. The throbbing, painful nubs resting on her now approaching head-sized tits was broadcasting that to the world at large. She lifted her long, thick legs up onto the coffee table either side of the jar of pills and imagined squeezing the biology student down the hall between them as she ate her out. Her lust ignited further, a seam popped in her pants, her legs instinctively flexed and she delighted in the groaning from the table as it strained to handle the growing pressure. She was so strong now, so tall, so powerful and still growing. Julia didn't want this to end.
Her eyes locked on to the jar on the table.
She didn't want this to end.
She grabbed the jar between her knees and passed it to her hands. She unscrewed the top and, shivering with anticipation, counted out a second dose, then a third, and placed the jar behind the couch.
The moment those four pills entered her she let out a great moan. Her legs slammed through the coffee table. Her nipples burst through her shirt. Her hands clamped down on both armrests until they crumpled and she brought them to the remains of her shirt, tearing it apart easier than wrapping paper to get at her presents inside. Her legs dug trenches in the hardwood floor as she spread. Her bulging right arm returned to its duty of pawing at her ever-growing wet spot while her left ran its fingers through her iron eight-pack. Her back arched and collapsed the couch behind it as she lay splayed, writhing, covering most of the floor between the TV and the kitchen with her legs bent. Another ear-splitting moan and another explosion between her thighs and she lay back, plowing through part of her kitchen counter.
Her desire not yet sated, but dimmed enough to keep in under control, Julia climbed to her feet. When she found she had to crouch to stand up in her own dorm, her grin nearly split her face in half.
She pulled apart the wall to her bedroom to admire what she could in her mirror. Her breasts, of course, dominated her front, easily three times the size of her head and hanging nearly to the floor from the almost ninety degree bend she had adopted. Her ass was like a pair of wrecking balls connected to a pair of sexy Roman pillars, while her shoulders looked like they could carry the world. And she was still slowly but surely inching bigger.
She dropped backwards and lay back on the floor with her hands behind her head, chuckling to herself. God, she was glad she had ordered the big jar, this was just too amazing.
Julia picked up the jar from near the couch between two fingers and examined it as she idly tugged a nipple. The only downside was she'd surely crush any sexual partner she chose, unless of course...
Julia's nipple-tugging hand began to drift south once more as images of the biology student once again filled her mind. She was going to have to pay her a visit and thank her for the idea...