RP Test Submission

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RP Test Submission

Postby AlbionWalker » Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:17 pm

Hi! I think I'm ready to be tested. My TF preferences are monstergirls, girl-on-girl transformations(not necessarily sexual), surprised transformees, and enjoying the end result. That said I'm not a fan of huge proportion shifts such as mass BE, as well as age-change and 'hardcore' stuff like vore. As for a time period, modern day or medieval are my faves.
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Re: RP Test Submission

Postby Lunakitty » Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:41 pm

In the wake of the global revelation that various species of monstergirl governments have set up an interspecies exchange program to help bridge the social divide between them and the human population. As a researcher (initial gender is up to you) working to understand how these different species can produce children with humans, you are looking into the genetics of various species. After months of hard work you think you've found a universal enzyme that manipulates human DNA allowing it to become comparable with the mother. However, thanks to the fatigue of last several overtime shifts pulled to make this breakthrough, you accidentally expose yourself to the enzyme, and 2 of the monstergirl samples (your choice) you've been studying. Before you have time to call for help the enzmye goes to work changing you, bringing the 2 samples you exposed yourself to and creating a new crossbreed with you as the base.

The responce has no word count/limit, so feel free to be as creative as you'd like. If the scenario isn't to your liking, just let us know and we can come up with another one ^_^ Have fun.
"Yeah, I'm a total Witch."
"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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Re: RP Test Submission

Postby AlbionWalker » Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:40 am

I yawn, looking at my notes again. The breakthrough had been incredible, but it had come at the price of weeks worth of of long hours of research. As I packed up my gear to go home, finally having a chance to sleep, my heavy hand slides across my workspace, rattling a rack of test tubes. As my eyes widen, two vials, one containing the distilled enzyme and another containing a genetic sample from a werewolf, roll over my bench and crash to the floor in a plume of DNA-altering aerosol. I gasp in shock, then swear as I feel the particulate matter settling on my tongue and realize that I had become my next test subject. Thinking quickly, I look over my vials, the idea reaching my fatigue-addled mind that two samples from monstergirls capable of 'turning' humans might cancel out. After a brief search, I find what I'm looking for, a sample of vampire DNA. Wasting no time, I down the vial's contents, and take another deep breath, waiting for something to happen.

One minute passes, then two. I smile, thinking that my plan had worked, but as a start to relax a sudden heat hits my body. I groan as I realize that this is the first stage of a lycanthropic transformation. Soon enough I also feel the telltale pins and needles in my arms, legs, ears, and rear. As soon as I feel the tingle, though, a wave of cold washes over me. As I look at my hand, expecting to see fur grow, I realize that my skin has taken a pale tint as well. Mind racing, I come to the conclusion that the genes, instead of cancelling one another out, had somehow combined and were making me into a genetic chimera. I don't have long to process this thought as the changes suddenly hit in earnest. I fall to my knees, then curl up on the floor as I feel my heart stop. The pins and needs become pain as new claws and fur shred my shoes and pants, a new tail destroying what was left of my belt and waistband on my pants. My head pounds as my teeth sharpen into short fangs, extend reflexively, then retract again, while my ears migrate to the top of my head. After a moment, when I realize the changes have stabilized, I shakily get to my feet and call to my assistant, "Alexa! Add to my notes that Chimerism is a possibility!" I swallow, then in the next breath my senses explode. I can hear Alexa, a young 20-something intern from the local university, sense her heartbeat, and taste her scent. Overwhelmed by the sensation, and a new burning desire to spread my 'gift' I follow with, "Also, could you come here a moment please? I need you!"
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Re: RP Test Submission

Postby Lunakitty » Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:53 am

Approved! Welcome aboard ^__^ sorry for how slow things have been.
"Yeah, I'm a total Witch."
"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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Lady of the Night
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