Hello people?

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Hello people?

Postby grandsin » Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:06 am

Hello, My name is grandsin or so my edgy moniker since middle school claimes! Beyond that, I guess this is an introduction so I may as well do that as you know my name is grandsin and I have various hobbies lol. I like building gunpla models when time permits beyond that I'm into anime, video games, and other general otaku stuff I guess you could say. I have a general interest in rps stemming from some d&d campaigns I participated in before I know my grammar and the like isn't the best but I do hope we get along! Also due to living in Japan time zones are a bit wonky so may not be able to post right away but now I will when I can!
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Re: Hello people?

Postby Lunakitty » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:51 am

Welcome! Sorry for the late responce. With the discord server up we sometimes forget to check the forums for a day or two ^^;;

Dont worry too too much about time zones. Most of us are used to progressing RPs in more casual pacing, and you wouldn't be the only one with a mostly flipped schedule as I'm 3rd shift and we have other members from various global timezones ^__^
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"Haha, you can swear around us."
"I know what I said." *turns you into a newt*
"Bah, he'll be fine."
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