Demon Kaiju Blues

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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:44 am

"Ken, I-I'm so glad you like me like this," gasped Alicia, Ken's touch making her body grow even faster. "B-But you need to s-stop touching me like that~ I can't take much more of this~!"

Her mind was starting to go fuzzy again, her body hungry for more lust and pleasure as she passed 13 ft, nearing 14 not long after. Memories of stuffing Ken's plump ass with her cock flashed through her mind, causing her to drool, imagining pumping him with even more of her corruptive seed, watching him swell into a bloated baby factory full of her spawn. She gasped loudly as her balls practically doubled in size at the mere thought of such a thing.

"O-Oh fuck~! I can't...make it...stop~!"
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Geno XIII » Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:54 am

"OK, OK!" he backed up, with her hands up like she was being held up "I just... can't you shrink yourself back like.... like how you normally look in public?"
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:04 am

"D-Do you think I'd still be growing like THIS if I could just shrink down whenever I wanted?" moaned Alicia, her growth slowing down as Ken backed away...but not stopping completely. "It's taking every ounce of strength I have to not pin you down and fuck you until you're little more than a demonic baby factory~"

She had meant for that comment to sound much more serious...but her voice was absolutely dripping with lust as her cock surged bigger, as if responding to her words.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Geno XIII » Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:11 am

"B... babies...?" Ken paused for a but before trying to sashay himself over to one of the nearby chairs "I mean, no I mean what magic do you use to look like a human in public?"
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:20 am

"That spell doesn't work on me after I've absorbed too much lust," moaned Alicia. "I-It's kinda why I had to reveal myself to you. U-Usually, my partner runs away screaming and then I have to erase their memory and I go back to normal but...t-this is kinda uncharted territory for me. I don't really know how to make it stop~"
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Geno XIII » Mon Mar 28, 2022 12:21 am

Ken tried to settle down in his seat, constantly peering down at his new bust and mulling over Alicia's words...

"I... I love you too much, Alicia. I'd never leave you. Just... you... can you... really give me like... a womb...?" he finally muttered out.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:20 pm

Ken's declaration of love made Alicia's body shiver, causing her to gasp as she quickly surpassed 15ft in height and began to slowly grow once more.

" me?" she moaned, trying her hardest to stay in control of herself. However, it was Ken's question that really caught her attention, the mere thought of Ken's belly swelling bigger and bigger with her demon spawn causing her control to slip, her eyes glowing pink as her balls swelled in anticipation. Ken would feel his body grow warm, feeling a pleasurable tingle behind his own balls as a moist pussy quickly developed, followed by the tingling moving upward, new reproductive organs forming, along with a strong desire to be filled as Alicia looked at him hungrily.

"You mean like that?" she cooed, sounding much more confident than she had earlier.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Geno XIII » Sat Apr 09, 2022 2:11 am

At 15', the poor transformed and fertile Ken waseven with the top of his head to her taint area nestling behind her pendulous bulbous furry balls. Unfortunately, even in the super sized penthouse, this made her have to press her back into the ceiling if she kept standing on her legs. The more she spurted, the more she had to bend her legs!

Ken's own cock was about two feet long and as thick as a soda can with a pair of cantaloupe balls. Ken moaned loudly enough to maybe disturb downstairs neighbors that began to smell a strange alluring perfume as their clothes felt... tight... and the urge to just masturbate grew stronger with every inhale...

"Oh god Alicia... you're... huge and... Fuck... did you really just... give me that!?" she writhed hornily on the ground from the same passively puffing pheromones as her hands both explored behind her testes with gusto.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:10 pm

"You did say you wanted it, didn't you?" cooed Alicia, her cock throbbing bigger and thicker. Moving around, she began to find just how small her penthouse apartment was, crouching down a bit after nearly bumping her head. "I wish I weren't so damn big though. A-Anymore and I'll burst out of this place."

But wouldn't that be absolutely wonderful, dear? her mother's voice echoed in her mind, along with a vision of herself spurting out of her apartment. Despite her initial protest, the mere thought was enough to make her cum, juices gushing from both cock and pussy as she spurted even bigger. Even bending over to try to avoid hitting her head, her back made contact with the ceiling with enough force to cause cracks to form, forcing Alicia to her knees just to fit.

"F-Fuck, why does it feel so fucking good to grow?" she moaned, caressing her thickening cock before suddenly gasping as it thickened more and more...before splitting into two equally massive canine cocks. Looking down at her much smaller boyfriend (girlfriend? both?), she couldn't help herself, picking up Ken and lowering her onto her twin cocks, with Ken finding her ass and new pussy seemed able to magically fit the entirety of Alicia's cocks.


Elsewhere, a cloud of pink pheromones soon began spreading further and further throughout the lower levels of Alicia's building, as the sounds of feminine moaning began to echo. Nearby, a young redhead was pleasuring herself after being stood up, resorting to diving into her porn stash. However, soon enough, the pink cloud of lust made its way through her apartment, her actions growing more intense as her body began to blossom into a lewd embodiment of lust. It began with her clit, which started throbbing bigger and bigger, much to her surprise. However, most protests at her growing clit seemed to dissipate as the haze of lust and desire overtook her. As her clit grew bigger and more phallic, her breasts soon began to surge with growth, her small A-cups rapidly swelling to Ds...and then as big as her head...and then twice that, soon covering her entire torso. Before long, her clit had grown into a thick, footlong cock and seemed to show no sign of stopping as it grew bigger and thicker, soon large enough for her to not only titfuck herself, but suck herself off as well, two large cantaloupe sized testes swelling rapidly at the base. And as similar incidents began occurring all over Alicia's building, the growing demoness would find an intense heat building inside her, her body feeling ready to explode.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Geno XIII » Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:28 pm

Bigger...cum...grow... grow and cum... Those infected by Alicia's pheromones would have this stuck in their heads, no matter how freakishly huge in curves or height they got. The only limit of any seemed to be not surpassing their host by at least a head.

The redhead would feel this full force as her computer chair began to creak and the cushion was engulfed by her ballooning ass while her shoes burst. What's more... not only did she need to grow and cum - so puny, too small - but she NEEDED to be fucked by a nice spouty cock, her womb needed seed to bloat with!!

Conveniently while her roommate began to walk in while smelling a strange perfume...


Her anus and pussy was a hammer-space of cock! Ken felt every foot of the giga cocks as she was stretched to limits that would tear a normal person apart! But only a comic bulge in her belly that inflated and deflated with each thrust were the only obscene effects of Alicia pumping her in both holes. What's more, she would basically be a water balloon each time her cocks spouted her corrupting seed. Even doing so when a normal person would dribble pre - now her "pre" was one full rope of ejaculation!

All while tit #5 and 6 were rapidly sprouting on her torso while she filled the room... Legs against one wall, back against the ceiling... bloating tits against the floor...
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:28 am

As the redhead lost herself to the pleasure of her changing body, the sound of her roommate walking in seemed to snap her out of her intense session of self-pleasure. She needed more than her own self-pleasure could provide, managing to get out of her chair before it could completely break as she heard the sounds of her roommate arriving. Fueled by her overwhelming need to be filled, she made her way towards the living room in her lusty haze, spotting her roommate, a shy, mousey brunette, a bit plain but...quite attractive now that the redhead was really looking at her. And while her roommate was a woman, there was no doubt in her mind that soon enough the brunette would be just like her. Sneaking up on her, the redhead pinned her roommate to the wall, kissing her passionately, the pheromones that the brunette had undoubtedly breathed in as she made her way into the apartment kicking into overdrive with that kiss, her breasts and clit swelling rapidly as her body grew warm with unrestrained lust.


The penthouse was becoming painfully cramped as Alicia's body continued to grow, milk gushing from her third massive pair of tits now. Her body continued to change in different ways as well, her plump furry legs losing their fur, revealing shining black scales as her legs and feet became more reptilian compared to the rest of her. A pleasurable pressure in her sides soon gave way to a new pair of arms...and then a third, all hands attending to her leaking breasts, doing their best to release the pressure building up in them.

As Alicia filled Ken's holes more and more, the smaller girl would find her own body changing, growing larger and curvier as well. Her entire body was on fire, extremely sensitive to the touch, something she would soon become aware of as something slimy slithered across her body just as Alicia let out another loud, howling moan. A mass of writhing tentacles slithered out of the massive demoness's pussy, soon wrapping around Ken's body, a few squeezing Ken's tits and ass, several others joining both of Alicia's cocks in filling Ken even deeper, another plunging its way into Ken's mouth while one last tentacle wrapped around Ken's cock, the tip opening up as it began swallowing it, filling Ken with intense pleasure.

Bigger... the voice echoed in Alicia's head. Keep growing bigger...

"I'm...too big already..." she cried, trying her hardest to keep herself from growing. But, try as she might, the wave of lust coming from the rest of the building caused a sudden surge of growth, causing Alicia to burst through the ceiling of the penthouse, howling loudly in pleasure as she was no longer restrained by the confines of the building, the light of the full moon shining brightly upon her monstrous body as her pheromones spread across the city.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Geno XIII » Tue May 10, 2022 3:52 am

An arcane haze of pink just *puffed* out at the top of the very apartment burst away like an egg hatching the reborn demon... On reflex, her wings covered herself as she was pounding her mate into the buckling floor; all making her look like a slutty lewd version of Night on Bald Mountain from Fantasia. The problem occurred when even in her manic pounding, she could tell and feel her paws starting to get near the edge of the former walls her whole penthouse made of the top of the building...

Ominously, Ken's body was shrouded by debris dust... But she could FEEL her.
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Re: Demon Kaiju Blues

Postby Lady Exie » Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:09 am

Breaking through the building, Alicia looked around at the night sky, feeling herself getting much too large for the remains of her apartment, the floor of which was starting to crumble beneath the weight of her still growing body. She couldn't see Ken amidst the dust and the pink mist surrounding them, but she knew her mate was still there, impaled on her cocks and being violated by her slithering tentacles. With her apartment destroyed, Alicia was exposed for all the world to see. Yet instead of worrying, the idea only made her even hornier than before. Still, she knew she had to get somewhere else as soon as possible before the building collapsed completely under her weight. Flapping her large wings, Alicia took to the sky, her juices raining down on the city as her pheromones spread further and further, looking for any secluded area that could fit her massive body as her tentacle held Ken close, still unaware of what changes her smaller mate might currently be going through thanks to her.
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