Pokemon Obsidian

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Re: Pokemon Obsidian

Postby Geno XIII » Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:46 pm

In response, Geana slammed down her large backpack, packed with food supplies.

"Leave everything to me! I hope you like thinks spicy!" In no time, she and Charmander set out a fire and boiling pot, tossing in dried noodles while she started mincing up whole Tamato, Chople and curiously Custap Berries into a fine red sauce... that was starting to have wavy fumes rising from it once heated, like burning gasoline. In no time, she had another spicy pot of food in the form of red sauce spaghetti. The taste... somehow not only spicy but a tinge of sweet that somehow eased any pain the spiciness caused with the Custap's creamy aftertaste.
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Re: Pokemon Obsidian

Postby Mitsunami » Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:36 am

"Oooh, smells good..." DJ remarked, before taking hold of his Pokéballs and the Safari Ball around his neck. "Come out, everyone, let's all take a break!"

He set out dishes from the three canisters of Poké food he'd brought along, having thought to purchase Electric and Flying-themed specialties while he'd run back to heal Voltorb, and then began serving himself a plate of the spaghetti. Spearow and Yanma were eating with great gusto, occasionally looking up to mumble something to one another. If anyone was curious as to how Voltorb was even eating, they'd be out of luck, as it was doing so with its back turned to everyone and would immediately stop to glare and spark at anyone trying to sneak a peek. Maybe it was considered rude in their societies to watch one another eat.

DJ, meanwhile, was slurping up the pasta with a bit of a troubled frown at first, as if it were a bit hot for his liking, but after a few bites, he managed to adjust, as well as take some comfort in the heat-nullifying cream of the Custap berry.

"So...what made you decide to be a trainer?" he asked Geana between a couple mouthfuls. "You could have been a chef already if you knew how to do this."


While Kaylee and Nicola waited, Marie moved ahead and spoke with the woman behind the counter before finally giving her best smile to the camera they produced and finally walking back to the others to show off the card she'd been handed- her picture and an image of a pink contest ribbon on the front, along with space on the back to list her Contest entries.

"Okay! That's settled...and since the only Contests they were holding today were the Master level, I've got time for more training, and to get a costume together! ...But first, we can visit the gym, if Kaylee is feeling confident. Never seen a gym battle up close before, and never outside of my home town, so this ought to be a good experience!"

She glanced at Nicola as they were leaving to pat her shoulder. "And don't even think of dropping out of contests to make things easier for me! If I'm gonna be a top coordinator, I need to face top challenges! So all the more reason I should be ready to face my friend and teacher in battle if necessary...right?"
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Re: Pokemon Obsidian

Postby SoraWolf7 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:22 pm

Ed nodded as he turned to his Pokémon. "Sounds like a plan to me," he commented. "What do you all say?" Ed's Pokémon all chimed in, agreeing with him.

Soon enough, Ed pulled out some of the dishes he'd bought as well as some Poké food he'd stocked up on. While he hadn't got a chance to get Riolu any specialty food, he did pick up a can of Generic Poké food that Riolu could have for now, and he seasoned it a bit with some Oran Berry juice he made with a hand-juicer he'd brought from home. "I'll make sure to pick up some Poké food for Fighting-types when we get back," he commented to Riolu, who nodded in understanding before digging into the Poké food.

Ed took a quick taste of the pasta, noting the flavor as he took a bit longer than DJ to adjust, not having been exposed to Geana's cooking before. "Yeah, this tastes great," Ed added. "I mean, aside from pretty much anyone can be a Pokémon Trainer, but you could have also gone to culinary school or something. Where'd you learn to cook, Geana?"
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Re: Pokemon Obsidian

Postby Geno XIII » Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:39 pm

"Um... I don't know, I just taught myself." Geana tilted her head "I cook stuff I like, I put in what I like and eat every bite, so I know if I make a mistake." Bizarrely as she talked and served the others, she took a nibble of a whole tamato berry; infamous for being super spicy when raw but with no visible cringe of pain or swelling of the lips. "All I know is that I wanted to be a trainer, so I became one!" it didn't seem like she was holding anything back, just being... simple about it. "When I was really little, I wanted to BE a Pokemon and almost got hurt really bad wrestling a Mankey."
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